Connectedness and Leadership
Bringing innovative and sustainable technologies to the Kenyan people, TOP Kenya & TOP Global organized for 40 participants a 3 day course named "Connectedness and Leadership" and 20 of them learned from TOP expert Yaniv Fieldust how to build a Green Wall.

Spreading the knowledge
As part of their training, for their final project, the group of new Green Wall teachers implemented their knowledge by building The Green Wall Food Farm at Thika’s Joy Town primary school, thus, displaying a unique, cutting-edge method for providing sustainable solutions for food security.
The final day took place on March 2nd 2018 at Thika’s Joy Town Primary School
(watch the video 4.30 minutes)
Green Wall Bottle Farm - A sustainable way to grow FOOD
Participants transformed used PET bottles and a barren stone and concrete wall into a lush vertical Green Wall Farm, enabling 365 physically challenged students to provide for their own health and nutrition.

Teachers are the Key
The goal is to expose Kenyan people to a new and efficient way to grow food.
See article from People Daily (
Simple vertical Farm - Creating Food Security
Built with simple technology and basic items that many already have at home, The Green Wall costs minimal spending and effort to construct.

In more than one way, The Green Wall empowers individuals and communities to be self-sufficient and even start selling their produce.
Join The Green Wall Community
With well over 100 installations in its first 3 years, The rapidly expanding Green Wall Project continues to plant important values into the hearts and minds of thousands, actively creating sustainability awareness everywhere.